Stations of the Cross with FREE Lent Garland
**Must use discount code LENT25 to get the purple Lent garland and two 5x7 prints for FREE …a $50 value! These will ship the beginning of February.
We receive many requests for the purple felt ball garlands that are paired with our stations of the cross garland in our photographs. We decided to offer a limited number of stations of the cross sets with a free Lent felt ball garland from Small Things Great Love. Below is more info on each item. The light purple color is paired with the engraved stations and the plum purple color is paired with the garland stations.
Tip: Because the garland is purple, it can also be used for Advent!
“The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross and the Way of Sorrow (Via Crucis in Latin), detail fourteen different moments on the day Jesus died. This prayer pilgrimage is a powerful way to grow closer to Jesus at any time of the year, though it is most popular during the Lenten season” (
Cut from eighth inch Birch wood, these piece are left natural and can be painted, stained, or colored, if preferred. Each station measures approximately 6x4.4 inches and has two holes for hanging. The set includes 14 individually cut stations and a bonus resurrected Jesus in the same size and style as the stations. The set comes with an 8 foot jute string for hanging, a 4x6 print of the Stations of the Cross, and a burlap bag for easy storage.
Cut from eighth inch Birch wood, these piece are left natural and engraved with the Stations of the Cross scenes. Each of the 14 stations measures approximately 3x2 inches and sits in one of two 15-inch bases. The bases are engraved with, "We adore Thee, O Christ, and praise Thee," and "Because by Thy holy cross, Thou hast redeemed the world." The set includes a small purple bag for storing the stations and a 4x6 print of the Stations of the Cross.
From the Small Things Great Love shop
These PURPLE GARLANDS are strung with purple felt balls. Initially these garlands were designed for Lent to represent the penance, preparation, and sacrifice that the season brings. There are 14 wooden crosses to represent the 14 Stations of the Cross.
These garlands can be used for Lent and Advent.
Each garland will come with a 5x7 Lent and Advent print, and a cotton drawstring bag.
Each ball is made of 100% sheep's wool and are 2cm diameter (about the size of a quarter) and strung on a soft gray cotton cord.
Length: The balls measure approximately 67 inches with 1.5-2 inch loops on the end for hanging
Number of Crosses: 14
Number of Balls: 60